We can supply you with the following generic parts as well as many other parts not listed for your Size 16 W Rotoclone ®.

UAP Part NumberDescriptionQuantity RequiredAAF ® Part Number
5000082-003Impeller Assembly120392-008
5000022-009Impeller Shaft113236-009
5000217-004Shaft Seal Spacer110228-004
5000220-004Shaft Seals21433572-004
8001222Solenoid Valve (Brass) NEMA 4
8002167Pressure Switch1
8001102 *Spray Nozzle (Brass)1Inlet
8001162 *Spray Nozzle (Brass)1Auxiliary (Impeller)
8001132 *Spray Nozzle (316SS)1Inlet
8001177 *Spray Nozzle (316SS)1Auxiliary (Impeller)

* Either Brass or Stainless Steel required depending on application, not both.